The Romanian Orthodox Church in Hungary and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period


  • Alin Cristian Scridon Faculty of Letters, History and Theology West University of Timisoara, Romania


Słowa kluczowe:

The Romanian Orthodox Church, the interwar period, Hungary, Yugoslavia


Aim. The Romanian Orthodox Church in Hungary and Yugoslavia encountered a series of shortcomings between the two world wars.

 Conclusion. Regardless of the political realities of the times, the Romanians coalesced around the Romanian Orthodox Church. That is why, not by chance, the great poet Mihai Eminescu identifies the Romanian Orthodox Church with the institution that preserved the Latin element near the Danube. The activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Hungary and Yugoslavia in the interwar period was mainly performed by priests.





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Jak cytować

Scridon, A. C. (2018). The Romanian Orthodox Church in Hungary and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the Interwar Period. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 9(1), 190–195.

