Last Lovers by William Wharton in the opinions of seniors


  • Magda Wieteska Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, ul. J. W. Dawida 1, Wroclaw


Słowa kluczowe:

late adulthood, old age, seniors, William Wharton, novel, femininity, University of the Third Age, stigma, stereotyping, sexuality, erotica, sex


The issues of old age, once neglected in terms of reflection and research on this period of life, in recent years took on another dimension. With the growth of the elderly population in the world, gradually more attention is paid to issues related to improving the quality of life of seniors. Of particular interest are those aspects of life that have a direct impact on the sense of well-being of the elderly, namely: family, health, finances. The aspect of health is however considered mostly in the context of an overall psychophysical fitness, access to health care, adequate pensions enabling the purchase of medicines, rehabilitation, etc. In contrast, they less frequently deal with issues related to sexual attractiveness of the seniors and their erotic needs. Old age still does not go hand in hand with the sexual appeal. Elderly women are seen as unnecessary, invisible. They are not perceived as being able to evoke sexual desire. This social reception affects the senior women’s perception of themselves. In the eyes of a community an elderly woman may still be attractive intellectually, but not physically. Stereotypes built around the old age also assume that people in late adulthood have no sexual needs



Biogram autora

Magda Wieteska - Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, ul. J. W. Dawida 1, Wroclaw

Master of Pedagogy and Andragogy,  a PhD student at the University of Wrocław. Graduated from the Pedagogy Department at the University of Wrocław, major: adult education and social marketing; coaching and career counseling. Journalist, writer, and instructor of writing and journalism workshops.

Scientific interests: adult education, gerontology, silver marketing, (auto)biographical approach in adult education.


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Jak cytować

Wieteska, M. (2016). Last Lovers by William Wharton in the opinions of seniors. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(1), 64–72.