Chinese education in the novel by A. Chua Battle hymn of the tiger mother


  • Magda Wieteska University of Wroclaw


Słowa kluczowe:

education, China, metaconfucianism, culture, tradition, ren


Chinese culture and tradition stand in direct opposition to American and European cultures. Chinese children must live according to the principles of metaconfucianism from an early age. Failure to do so threatens social ostracism.

Amy Chua in her autobiographical novel Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother describes the education of her two daughters living in America according to the principles present in China. The educational methods used by Chua are considered controversial by western parents. The author made an attempt to explain the motives of Asian mothers.




Biogram autora

Magda Wieteska - University of Wroclaw


scientific interests: adult education


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Jak cytować

Wieteska, M. (2017). Chinese education in the novel by A. Chua Battle hymn of the tiger mother. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8(1), 201–208.