In searching for science understanding. Applying the sociology of a science based approach


  • Dorota Jedlikowska Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24, 31-007, Kraków


Słowa kluczowe:

science understanding, sociology of science, science policy, formalization, situatedness, rationality


The paper discusses the chosen ongoing perspectives related to science understanding based problems. Science is viewed, following Robert Merton, as a functioning institution. Social context plays a significant role in defining the possibilities of developing science. The question arises how a functioning institution can be effectively analyzed and which perspectives can be implemented. Hence this paper’s goal is to reveal some ways of exploring science understanding. Consequently the paper touches the scientific discourses upon science discussing its academic functional ethos and on the other hand tension between bureaucratization and openness in science. More broadly how far science is democratized in an academic interaction.

The proposition of examining the problem of the quality of science as an institution is to grasp two perspectives: first, the formal perspective, related to the legal field and its rationality and second, followed by Adele Clarke known as “situatedness”. The idea of joining formalization with situatedness can be regarded as an embodiment within John Meyer and Brian Rowan’s concept of an institutionalized organization. Hence science understanding is defined as a complex functioning institution escaping from a modern version of science into many postmodern ad-hoc made sciences.

The paper’s intention is to provide problems and proposition of solving them through applying an integrating perspective



Biogram autora

Dorota Jedlikowska - Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Gołębia Street 24, 31-007, Kraków

MA studies in sociology at AGH University of Science and Technology and later, PhD studies in sociology at Jagiellonian University.

Scientific interests focused on sociology of science, communication, market research and teaching


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Jak cytować

Jedlikowska, D. (2016). In searching for science understanding. Applying the sociology of a science based approach. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 11–19.