
  • Inga Petrovska Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology Ivan Franko Lviv National University,Universytetska Str 1, Lviv



Słowa kluczowe:

identity, civic identity, students, emigration sentiment, personal fulfillment, patriotism, consciousness, unconscious


This article presents the results of the study of students’ emigration sentiment peculiarities in the context of their civic identity. Various types of the students’ civic identity have been discovered, namely "protest", "uncertain", "patriotic". Protest and uncertain attitude to citizenship (potential emigrants) is associated with the level of psychological well-being of students, dissatisfaction with certain aspects of their life, especially professional and life prospects. Civil identification of students will acquire emotional and patriotic significance only if the state promotes socio-professional and personal fulfillment for the future experts.



Biogram autora

Inga Petrovska - Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology Ivan Franko Lviv National University,Universytetska Str 1, Lviv

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine. Her scientific interests are focused on psychological aspects of the individual’s civic identity formation. Based on the principles of the theory of social identity and social self-categorization, the concept of the complexity of social identity and the systematic approach, the author's definition and the model of the civic identity are developed. On this subject she published 13 articles. Interested also in civic culture, civic education, multiplicity of person’s civic identity, individual psychological characteristics and emigration sentiment of students with different types of civic identity, functions of the civic identity.


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Jak cytować

Petrovska, I. (2016). EMIGRATION SENTIMENT AMONG STUDENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR CIVIC IDENTITY. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 7(2), 100–110. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs20162.100.110