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@article{LESZCZYŃSKI_2020, title={Crisis in the idea of the university and its causes. Selected problems}, volume={3}, url={https://www.e-methodology.eu/index.php/jecs/article/view/797}, DOI={10.15503/jecs20122.67.73}, abstractNote={<p><span style="left: 122.835px; top: 305.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.0751);">The article is focused on the three phenomena of the crisis in the idea of the university: </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 323.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.02148);">the fashion of postmodernism, re-evaluation of the values, link between science and the </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 341.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.07058);">economy. The author tried to show that these processes lead to irreversible changes in thin-</span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 359.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.09604);">king about the idea of university. The changes include social processes in the long period </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 377.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.10053);">of time. In this way we can say that these phenomena can be considered as causes of this </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 395.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.07501);">crisis. The author does not decide whether this is the fact. But it seems to be true. Anyway, </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 413.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.05591);">we have to be careful in consideration of the crisis in the idea of the university: here nothing </span><span style="left: 99.2097px; top: 431.448px; font-size: 15px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.07235);">is certain. The article stays open to new ideas which may explain this topic.</span></p>}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Education Culture and Society}, author={LESZCZYŃSKI, SEWERYN}, year={2020}, month={sty.}, pages={67–73} }