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@article{Kobylarek_2018, title={Divided science}, volume={9}, url={https://www.e-methodology.eu/index.php/jecs/article/view/10.15503jecs20181.5.8}, DOI={10.15503/jecs20181.5.8}, abstractNote={<p>This article analizes the causes of a dissonance between significant collective civilizational progress and injudicious individual choice. To show these causes, five basic hypotheses are presented, based on inter-disciplinary analyses : viz. political manipulation, media manipulation, an ineffective education system, inadequate scientific communication, and misunderstanding. The possibility of constructing social consensus and harmony can be perceived in the general education of knowledgable and responsible teachers on all levels and spheres of education, who will be able to explain the complexity of the world and transform the educational system.</p>}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Education Culture and Society}, author={Kobylarek, Aleksander}, year={2018}, month={cze.}, pages={5–8} }