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@article{Kepule_STRODE_2020, title={THE SOCIAL ASPECT OF THE USAGE OF PUPILS’ SELF-EXPRESSION SKILLS ACQUIRED WITHIN MUSIC EDUCATION}, volume={11}, url={https://www.e-methodology.eu/index.php/jecs/article/view/1145}, DOI={10.15503/jecs2020.2.101.113}, abstractNote={<p><strong>Aim. </strong>The aim of the research is to study the usage of primary school pupils’ self-expression skills acquired within music education in various social contexts.</p> <p><strong>Methods.</strong> Theoretical research method – the analysis of literature, empirical data acquisition method – questionnaire. Statistical data processing has been carried out in IBM SPSS 23 programme, using the following data processing methods: frequency analysis; Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of two independent groups; Kruskal-Wallis test for the comparison of three or more independent groups; Kendall rank correlation coefficient for the assessment of associations between two variables.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> In the development of self-expression skills, an important aspect is the social performance criterion that is based on pupils’ need for self-expression in a social environment of practising music. Age and gender-based correlations in the assessment of a self-expression skill criterion "Social performance" indicate that with age pupils become more independent and engaged in music-related social activities. Girls are socially more active and emotional and engage in artistic activities more often. The research confirms the role of teachers in the development of pupils’ self-expression skills, promoting integration of formal and informal learning process and transformation in formal and informal learning environment.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The dynamics and interactions of self-expression skills’ development factors (social, emotional and intellectual) defines pupils’ individual self-expression skills and development tendencies. Self-expression is important for pupils in social aspect, as it is related to socialisation in microenvironment (family) and macroenvironment (friends) and affects cooperation and communication.</p>}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Education Culture and Society}, author={Kepule, Iveta and STRODE, AINA}, year={2020}, month={Sep.}, pages={101–113} }